Motion supports usability in four ways

These four pillars represent the four ways where the temporal behavior of user experiences supports usability.


Expectation fall into two areas - how users perceive what an object is, and how it behaves. Another way of saying this is that as designers, we want to minimize the gap between what the user expects, and what they experience.


Continuity speaks both to the user flow and to the 'consistency' of the user experience. Continuity can be thought of in terms of 'intra-continuity' - the continuity within a scene, and 'inter-continuity' - the continuity within a series of scenes that make up the total user experience.


Narrative is the linear progression of events in the user experience that results in a temporal/spatial framework. This can be thought of as the series of discreet moments and events that connect together throughout the user experience.


Relationship refers to the spatial, temporal, and hierarchal representations between interface objects that guide user understanding and decision making.

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